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AE 481/897G Reflection


The AE Senior Capstone Thesis was a very rewarding experience.  Through research and discussion I was able to learn and develop ideas to apply to my thesis project. The two semester model provided me with a structure in which to develop these ideas and to expand my knowledge of different disciplines. The interdisciplinary nature of the course sequence was very rewarding and I further enhanced my ability to communicate and understand material across the disciplines. Overall, working through the problems and challenges helped me further understand the requirements and responsibilities of becoming an engineer.


CPEP Reflection


Using the CPEP website was a great way to organize and present material completed throughout the capstone process.  Its dynamic nature allowed for changes throughout the process and allowed myself to track how my project was changing.  It also allowed for potential employers and professors to review my work and offer advice.  Overall, I enjoyed using the CPEP website and it is a great time capsule for ym 5th year capstone experience.


ABET Assessment (PDF)


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