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Mechanical Depth

Rooms being serverd by chilled beams will now be served with radiant slabs and chilled ceilings.  This allows piping and the DOAS unit to remain the same while providing superior acoustical performance.  The VAV system serving the auditorium will be replaced with radiant as well with AHU-1 being converted to a DOAS unit.  An alternative to the auditorium redesign will aslso be explored.  The new DOAS unit will serve an underfloor air distribution system.

Acoustical Breadth

An analsysis of teh NC values before and after the redesign is implemented will be performed to determine the acoustical impact on the spaces affected


Plumbing Breadth

A greywater collection system will be designed to take in water from the roof, send it through a filtration/treatment system, and connect it into the existing domestic water supply line in order to cut down on water usage.

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